Future of work, Digitalisation Jo Vertigan Future of work, Digitalisation Jo Vertigan

What’s so hard about working from home?

Increasingly many people are working away from traditional office environments: working from home or the local café. There are many benefits to this. Organisations save on the cost of office space and often see increased productivity . And employees frequently experience greater job satisfaction. But there are also many challenges associated with remote working that must be overcome.

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Digitalisation, Future of work Jeremy Swinfen Green Digitalisation, Future of work Jeremy Swinfen Green

Enhancing the human

Technology will cause short-term challenges as old skills become redundant, and some people find it hard to re-skill. But automation, as it gets rid of dull, dirty and dangerous jobs, providing people with jobs that create more value, will benefit society. The challenge for employers is ensuring that workers have the skills they need to flourish in a digital economy.

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